Chalet offered public tours of the factory. These included a tour of the public spaces of the factory as well as glass blowing and etching demonstrations (not on the working factory floor) by one of the Chalet artists. Tours were typically conducted by Mavis Clark, Irma Tedesco, Bruna Guttman, Laura Fuga or Gina Daniele - long time employee and/or family members who worked in the office, shipping and showrooms. Most often Chalet owners and Maestri Luigi Tedesco and Sergio Pagnin demonstrated the art of glassblowing. However, upon occasion, Angelo Tedesco or another artist would take this role.

Chalet factory visits became a major Cornwall tourist attraction. A highlight for bus tours. There was signage for the factory in the city, on Hwy #2 and inside the Ontario government run tourism centre on Brookdale Avenue.

And of course, purchases at the factory after your tour were possible!


The Artefacts


The Memory Album