The Books
The Chalet Artistic Glass Collectors’ Guide and Catalogue
My 6th book, Chalet Artistic Glass Collectors’ Guide and Catalogue is an interactive download on a flash drive. Nicknamed “the Colossus” as it is 248 pages with over 1,080 photos and 25 catalog pages. It presents over 1,550 verified individual pieces of Chalet art glass. It is dedicated to the Chalet artists. I have been so fortunate to have established and maintained a relationship with several of the Chalet artists and their family members since mounting the 2010 Chalet retrospective “The Art and Artisans of Chalet Glass” in Cornwall. Indeed – it was doing so that encouraged me to write about and research Chalet. Like the ones that came before, “Chalet Artistic Glass Collectors’ Guide and Catalogue” would also not have been possible without the Chalet collecting community having come together.
I thought a video would be the best way of giving a sense of what the book is like. Included is the book’s “Table of Contents” and a random selection of pages. You will see that the overwhelming focus is upon the “shapes and colours of Chalet glass.” Therefore, the ‘Chalet Artistic Glass Collectors’ Guide and Catalogue’ does not detail Chalet’s history, the artists who worked there or how the art they produced was made. Nor does it pinpoint Chalet branding, marketing and distribution or the “Similar yet Different” Canadian glass houses of the Chalet era. Those topics (and more) are extensively covered in “Chalet Crystal Clear Continued” - my latest book which is now available and will be launched here this week. The two books work as both stand-alone resources as well as a companion pieces to compliment and complete each other.
As mentioned above, the format of this book is different from my earlier books – it is not printed but is a download from a USB flash drive. The flash drive has been loaded with two versions of the guide. Both have identical content but each has just a slightly different level of interactivity from the other. One is a simple, non-interactive PDF - this can be opened on any device with a program that can read PDFs, such as Adobe Acrobat or any default reader (most computers or devices these days ship with a PDF reading program). The other, with the extension '.epub', is an interactive e-publication. This version has 'active, clickable buttons' to help you navigate - the table of contents, side tabs, as well as a 'return to contents' button are all clickable and will take you to that specific page. Most computers also come with a standard program to open e-publications. In the rare instance you have trouble opening either file, it may be because you don't have a program that can read them. Free versions of software to access them can easily be found online and a note re same will be included with the flash drive.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. If you are interested in purchasing, please see below.
$95.00 CDN (UPS $25.00 flat rate shipping included in Canada)
Previous Publications
Sold Out - No longer available for purchase.
Click images for full gallery.
Published 2011 – no longer available. Replaced by the November 2020 ‘Chalet Artistic Glass Collectors’ Guide and Catalogue’ which may be purchased here. See above.
Published 2011 – no longer available.
Published 2012 – no longer available.
Published 2015 – no longer available. Replaced in 2019 by ‘Chalet Crystal Clear – a reference book’ which may be purchased here. See above.
Published 2019. No longer available.