Glasshouse Ghosts of Christmas Past
I thought it would very apt, given the season, to revisit some glasshouse ghosts of “ Christmas glass past.” How? Take a look - this is how you could check Chalet Artistic Glass, Lorraine Glass Industries, EDAG, Continental Glass and Rossi Artistic “art glass” off your list and the impact it would have had on your budget.
Eaton’s advertising Chalet. December 14, 1968, Calgary Herald which is a member of the Postmedia Network. From the digital “historical newspapers” archive of the Vancouver Public Library. Deborah Patterson.
Eaton’s advertising Chalet. December 16, 1968, Saskatoon’s Star Phoenix. This newspaper is part of the Postmedia Network. Courtesy of 50 Shades member Gionny Gueli.
Ottawa jeweller J. Emile Lauzon advertising Chalet. December 1968. Ottawa Citizen which is owned by the Postmedia Network. Advertisement on left from the digital “historical newspapers” archive of the Vancouver Public Library. Deborah Patterson. Advertisement on right from Mario Panizzon’s April 7, 2021 post in 50 Shades.
Ottawa gift store chain Davis Agency advertising Chalet. December 1968. Ottawa Citizen which is a member of the Postmedia Network. Advertisement on right found in the digital “historical newspapers” archive of the Vancouver Public Library. Deborah Patterson. Advertisement on left from Mario Panizzon’s April 7, 2021 post in 50 Shades.
Simpson-Sears advertising “Chalet” in 1968. Please note that the advertisement at left features pieces by Lorraine Glass Industries by are called Chalet Glass. December 14, 1968, Calgary Herald which is a division of the Postmedia Network. Advertisement from Mario Panizzon’s April 7, 2021 post in 50 Shades. “Spike and curls” centerpiece from the collection of 50 Shades members Kevin Kodak and Tracey Shanley - and yes, this one is a Chalet piece.
A Continental Glass company Christmas promotion, December 17, 1968 in the Calgary Herald. From the digital “historical newspapers” archive of the Vancouver Public Library. Deborah Patterson. the Calgary Herald is owned by the Postmedia Network.
After seeing the pair of birds (lower right) in the Continental Christmas promo directly above, 50 Shades member Brad McGillivray was able to positively identify this piece.
From the Simpsons-Sears Christmas 1969 catalogue advertising pieces of Lorraine Glass Industries glass. Courtesy of 50 Shades members Lorne Olafson and Darcy Dietrich.
From the Sears Wish Book 1973.
December 10, 1975 in “The North Bay Nugget” which is currently owned by the Postmedia Network. This ad was carried by many other newspapers across the province that day but I chose this one as loved the newspaper name. EDAG product was carried by the Towers Discount Department Store chain on a long term basis. I have Towers advertising EDAG product back to 1966. In 1991,Towers was rebranded under the Zellers umbrella. EDAG “stretch” centerpiece from the collection of 50 Shades member Laura Cornell.
Rossi Artistic Glass company placed advertisement, December 1981 Standard Freeholder which belongs to the Postmedia Network. At left, artist Giovanni Voltalina is firing a Christmas tree ornament like those shown in the ad on right. From the archives of the Cornwall Community Museum.
So, what impact would these have had on your Christmas gift-giving budget? In the chart below, I have taken the costs in the years of the ads (Price Then column) and calculated their equivalent in today’s dollars (2023 Price column).
All the best everyone!