A Chalet perspective on World Wildlife Day

On December 20th, 2013, the United Nations General Assembly ratified that March 3rd was to be annually celebrated internationally as World Wildlife Day. Thailand initially proposed the day with the goal of raising awareness of the poor state of the world’s animals and vegetation. The yearly event recognizes all life on our planet. However, its focus is to raise awareness of those plants and animals whose “status” has been determined to be threatened and endangered. What does this mean?

An “endangered species” is one that is in danger of extinction throughout all or a significant portion of its range. A “threatened species” is one that is likely to become endangered in the foreseeable future throughout all or a significant portion of its range.

Humans share the planet with 8 million other species of plants and animals. We have a responsibility to future generations and all living things to protect the environment, so we can all thrive together. Protecting ecosystems and nature means protecting both plants and animals.

What each of us can do to help:

1. Plant native species

Creating planet and/or wildlife friendly environments can start throughout your community starting right in your own backyard. Plant native species of trees, bushes, and plants. Include those that flower and provide food sources for wild animals.

Trees recycle oxygen, returning it to the atmosphere for us to breathe and absorbing potentially harmful gases along the way. Get involved in an organization that supports community tree plantings and care.

It's also a good idea to think beyond the typical lawn, which can be a drain on water supplies and not offer much food or support for animal life. Allow your manicured lawn to go a little wild. Replace part of the lawn with vegetable or flower gardens filled with native species. Even a small garden can also have a big impact.

2. Help a zoo, wildlife refuge or rescue or aquarium.

Zoos and aquariums often have wildlife conservation efforts. Find out how you can volunteer to help spread the word about or work to support wild animals.

3. Make your yard a wildlife haven.

In addition to planting native food sources for wildlife in your area, you can also help them create habitats by installing bird feeders, baths, and houses. In addition to giving birds necessary shelter and sustenance, watching the birds that visit can be very entertaining.

4. Avoid harmful chemicals.

In the quest for “the perfect lawn”, chemical solutions which can be very harmful to wildlife like bees and butterflies that are helpful to the environment are often used. Fertilizers and pest controls usually find their way into water sources, polluting rivers, and streams, causing harmful algae blooms, and poisoning the aquatic life. Instead, opt for natural pest control to discourage critters such as cayenne pepper in your garden and organic fertilizers like animal manure or compost.

5. Pick up trash.

Picking up trash not only protects the environment and keeps our surroundings beautiful, but it can also save wildlife. Plastic bags and twine can easily trap birds, marine life, and smaller land animals, hurting or killing them or making them easy prey. So put on your gloves, grab some trash bags, and clean up the litter, on both land and in the sea, to protect wildlife—and keep your neighborhood looking good.

6. Become a citizen scientist.

Researchers often need help gathering wildlife and insect counts. This provides interesting and fun opportunities for you to lend a hand from home.

7. Learn about endangered species.

The Endangered Species Coalition helps identify endangered species and share how people can help to preserve them. Share what you learn on social media or get involved with a conservation organization.

8. Adopt an animal.

Protect the animal of your choice—one either threatened by endangerment in a far-off land or by abandonment nearby. Many wildlife organizations let you symbolically adopt a wild animal of your choosing. Your donation goes to improving habitats, research, monitoring, and ultimately saving the species from endangerment. Make it a birthday gift for your animal fanatic friend!

9. Actively do your part.

What animal rights issue troubles you the most? Poaching? Cruelty? Fur? Whatever it is, you can act. Associations such as the Humane Society and World Wildlife Fund can help you find petitions to sign, bills to support and representatives to write. By acting, you’ll give a voice to those who don’t have one.

10. Donate.

Your gift to a trusted animal rights organization will be appreciated and well utilized. By supporting their concerted efforts, you play a valuable role in the protection of wildlife and in helping our planet thrive. You can also donate to local shelters in need. Many animal shelters and rescue centers lack the necessary provisions to keep animals healthy and safe. If you can’t adopt, giving your extra food and supplies—or volunteering—can be just as valuable in helping these shelters survive.

11. Understand human impact .

Population increases pose a threat to wildlife as previous resources diminish. Whether it’s for science, food or greed, humans endanger animals, sometimes without considering the positive impact wildlife can have on the posterity of our planet. What can you do? Stay informed on the issues, know your impact in the ecosystem and take your part in protecting wildlife. Earth and its present and future habitants will be grateful.

The Chalet threatened and endangered species


Chalet Bullicante Pieces


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